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Open air satanic ritual

You need to know the truth about this world. It's darker than you can fathom.

I knew about all the evil things that went on, I just didn't expect to witness them in a neighbor's garden. Last September on a Friday night, as I'm watching through my window I see a neighbor getting ready to host a small gathering. I see a few men arrive, greet each other, look around the garden and chat etc. Later in the evening, I see them lined up in a local traditional wine-making related brotherhood and one of them make a speech.

(It was still very warm, I had my electric curtains almost completely down and windows open)

Later in the evening, when it was dark, I look again and see a man in a black cape and hood making big gestures with a flame torch for a long while. Later, I see 5 or 6 of them in the same black outfit forming a close circle. They start humming. Imagine the deepest and loudest sound a man can make with his voice times 5 continuously for 2 to 3 hours.

I am earnestly praying throughout kneeling in spiritual warfare. After a while, I see a naked child getting up and walking away from what must have been an altar. (I would day boy from the demeanor but couldn't see well enough to say for sure. Maybe 8 or 10 tops). I know this is the Holy Spirit guidance because with only this little lighting and at that distance, I would barely see and I wasn't continually looking but hiding in the dark of my apartment and peeking only every once in a while but I caught that specific moment out of the whole scene. I don't think it was anything sexual per say with the child because they were very still. I assume they did their sacrifice offering over his/her body.

(No, I didn't call the police because I was in sideration shock for one and for all I know, the police chief is one of them. I was really debating this but what happened later on kept me from it and was confirmation that the police didn't act or were part of this because there is no way they didn't know/ hear). Next, they are slightly to the side and I smell the vilest smell. Smelled like blood or skin burning, not that I know what that smells like but it wasn't the same as when you barbecue something. It had to be an entire animal or organs.

And this was the mild part...

Note this is a very small town in a European country. If this happens openly here, I can only imagine what happens when nobody sees in other places. But GOD sees -

He forgives but He can only forgives those who ask for forgiveness and genuinely repent (turn from their sins and evil ways)

Next, I heard SCREAMING. A man's voice.

He is screaming louder than I though possible for anyone. He screams "Noooo!".

While it happened, I was completely paralyzed and didn't move and inch for several hours.

It went on and on and on. It lasted throughout the night and the screams were getting weaker and weaker. He was clearly being tortured to death but I have no idea what kind of cruelty could make someone scream this way. There were strange sounds like an animal.

This lasted all through the night until close to down, heard a woman scream. It was faint and didn't last as long. This whole time, I was trying to figure out where it was coming from. It wasn't the same place the ritual took place, there was nothing going on there anymore.

Then, the sun was up and I was hearing screams on the street side this time. Men, women, each lasted a much shorter time and I was hearing trucks on the road also but they sounded different from the ones I usually hear. I really thought it was a military convoy. Martial law. NWO...

I really thought it was the end, that this was the great tribulation starting, that they they were doing away with Christians on the spot and that I was next. I was sitting down, ready.

I had a mix of the strongest adrenaline rush I had ever known and complete peace/ fearlessness at that moment. I even wondered whether I should just go and get it over with.

That is NOTHING compared to what is to come. (see post entitled "1 minute to midnight")

The current situation will not get any better. It's biblical prophecy and MUST come to pass. There is nothing you can do to stop it, all you can do is repent and pray God for His mercy if you are not already walking with the Lord and pray like never before if you are.

You need to choose NOW. It's either Jesus or eternal damnation.

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